31 December 2023
Sherpa published The art of Andreas.
29 December 2022
Dutch publisher Sherpa announced The Art of Andreas, a tribute album with many new plates, to appear in three editions, in three languages (nl, en, fr?). Expected end March. In 2018, Andreas wrote the story "Ce matin" for the album Rencontres obliques. The album is part 3 of the series Réalités obliques by Clarke. See also here. Nice find, Peter!
22 May 2022
Andreas left Twitter because he was "just fed up with all the crazies and idiots on the platform" (he told me when I asked him about it via email). "I tried to avoid them but the algorithm kept bringing them back.". Andreas is still available on Instagram with photos and pictures. Thanks for pointing it out to us, Peter!
29 December 2021
Andreas drew the pictures Rork in the snow, Rork with clouds, Rork on a rock, and Rork before graffiti wall. Coloring was done by Isa Cochet. More pictures can be found on his Instagram account. Polish publisher Kurc published Raffington Event - detective, Rork - L'intégrale 1, Rork - L'intégrale 2 and Styx. German publisher Schreiber und Leser published Coutoo as "Cutter". Andreas is now followed by 2113 people on Twitter and 689 on Instagram.
15 November 2020
L'argentine was published by Wydawnictwo Kurc (Polish) The publisher is working on new editions of the Rork integrale and Raffington Event.
4 October 2020
L'argentine was published by Schreiber & Leser. And here are the last interviews collected for us by Pierre Loubere: Andreas-passe-present-et-futur (2015) ActuaBD. About the reeditions of La Caverne du Souvenir and Raffington Event by Le Lombard. Raffington-Event-Detective (2016) ActuaBD. About the detective. Les mondes fantastiques d'Andreas (2017) KABOOM! #33. 15 minute Interview with Andreas in which he talks about all of his work. From the comics he read as a child to his current work. Decorated with many images, this is a wonderful video. I've mentioned it before, but I can't leave it out, because it's too good! 20 Minutes (2019) Audio interview from Angoulême about Rork and Capricorne. Interview bande dessinée (2019) Planete BD. Video interview with some questions about Capricone.
10 May 2020
Ralph Ulbrich sent me the complete picture of the 2019 new year's wish. Thanks! I added the 2013 wish as well. Moritz von Wolzogen alerted me to the new Cyrrus-Mil edition of Schreiber & Leser. First time Cyrrus appears in German. It's good that it finally appeared. Cyrrus is one of my personal favorites. The album deals with abstract concepts like time and causation, the characters are strong, it has a fast-paced storyline, and the album is very emotional. Strong cover image it has too, in this edition. Read more Continuing with Pierre Loubere's interviews: 2013. Angoulême 2013 - Andreas sort de lombre (2013) ActuaBD. About why Capricornus was continued by Lombard. Angoulême 2013 - Andreas : "Jaimerais faire des albums en 200 ou 300 planches" (2013) ActuaBD. About the writing process. La case medium : Dc Comics, Andreas (2013) Audio interview Entretien avec Martens ANDREAS pour sa série RORK aux Editions du LOMBARD (2013) sceneario.com Video interview Festival de la bande dessinée d'angoulême 2013 sous le signe du Capricorne (1/4) (2013) Save my brain. Short interview L'exigence d'Andreas (2013) Sud Ouest. Short interview Interview de Andreas (2013) BDTheque. A medium sized interview Andreas, créateur d'univers rares (2013) Bodoï. Saved the best interview for last.
4 April 2020
I added the role of colorist to stories and illustrations to show where Isa Cochet participated in Andreas' work. I added the latest new years wishes (see Images / New year's wishes).
1 March 2020
The rest of the interviews I received from Pierre Loubere are in French, which is good since most fans speak French. Still I would have liked to provide a translation into English, to open them up to the rest of the audience. But it's just too much work. Fortunately You can ask your browser to use Google Translate to do a quite reasonable translation. Try it out! Today: 2011 and 2012. I will provide short introductions and links to the interviews: Capricorne en manque de repères (2011) ActuaBD. Lombard decides not to publish the final 5 Capricorne albums Andreas et Billout à la galerie Petits Papiers Paris (2012) YouTube video with images of the exposition at Petit Papiers. Interview about Les fantômes Rork - Les fantômes (2012) BDGest. On Les fantômes, Rork, ARQ, and Capricorne Un entretien avec Andreas (1ère partie) (2012) BDZoom. Wonderful large piece about Andreas' earlier work and his American influences. Rencontre avec Andreas, au Musée des Arts et Métiers (2012) Un Amour de BD. Short interview. Rencontre avec Andréas (2012) 7BD. Account of a short uninformative meeting with Andreas. Les fantômes dAndreas (2012) Le Soir. Short bit on Les fantômes Rork INTEGRAL 2 (2012) PlaneteBD. About Rork Integral 2, with video interview Andreas booste Le Lombard (2012) ActuaBD. Lombard comes back on its decision not to publish the Capricorne albums. Exposition Andreas Quai des Bulles 2012 (2012) YouTube video taking us on tour through the exposition. With charming encounters of Andreas and Isa Cochet.
26 January 2020
Pierre Loubere has sent me a ton of Andreas interviews. I will not show them all at once. Here is the first one: Een lezer kan best wel wat mysterie aan (2014)
28 December 2019
Andreas is back with an intriguing new album: L'argentine. Thanks, Peter Motte for pointing it out! It was published by Futuropolis, a new publisher for Andreas. Here's an introduction video Andreas and Isa Cochet were at the Vienna Comix festival on 6 and 7 April. You can find an interview with Andreas and Isa (in German) in the festival program I added items on Franquin and Breccia because Andreas names them his most important influences. Schreiber & Leser published Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 6, Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 7 and La caverne du souvenir. More information on their website. In november the American publisher Titan Comics published Cromwell Stone: all 3 stories in a single volume. The edition even got its own trailer, which I think is pretty awesome! Here's a review. Le Lombard published an integral series of Capricorne in four large volumes: Capricorne - intégrale 1 Capricorne - intégrale 2 Capricorne - intégrale 3 Capricorne - intégrale 4 The last one is expected in januari. I found out that Spanish publisher ECC Comics published Rork Integral in 2015.
3 January 2019
Schreiber & Leser published Raffington Event - detective and Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 5. Thanks to Christiaan ter Veen for informing me that Maidstone (from Dérives 2) has also been published in Zone 5300. In June 2018, Andreas has an exhibition in the 11e Festival Européen de la Bande Dessinées in Strasbourg "Strasbulles" (France). Strasbulles. Next to Twitter, Andreas occasionally puts photos on Instagram and Tumblr ("All this???").
1 January 2018
Dérives 2 was published, a sequence to Dérives, an album from '91 (26 years ago!) On this album, in which Andreas experiments with different drawing styles, Andreas works with many new artists: Mazan, Dieter, Hyuna and Raven. It contains the story "l'Ours" (the bear), which he made with Cornette in 2001, and the story "Milk" for which Andreas' coloring-partner Isa Cochet did not do the coloring, but the scenario. Surprising! -- Information from Sceneario Bernie Wrightson died in March of this year. His influence on Andreas' early work is profound. Andreas drew an homage in his memory: Homage to Bernie Wrightson Leser & Schreiber published Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 3 and Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 4 A French interview with Andreas La BD de la semaine: Andreas et Isabelle Cochet commentent Capricorne 20 A French video interview KABOOM! #33 - Les mondes fantastiques d'Andreas Portfolio Andreas PDF from Le Lombard Redécouvrons les mondes d'Andreas Andreas participated for the second time in "Inktober". I collected the pictures in the tab "Images / Inktober 2017". Karol Wisniewski pointed out that the Dark Horse albums Coutoo and Cromwell Stone were missing from the site. I had classified them as magazine editions from Cheval Noir, the magazine from Dark Horse. I corrected the mistake. Thanks Karol, this cleared up an important misconception. Andreas is followed by 1857 people on Twitter, he follows 1652 people, he has posted 2517 tweets and liked 2167 tweets.
6 February 2017
Volker Hamann of the German magazine REDDITION informed me about the upcoming edition about Andreas. Reddition 65
1 January 2017
I (Patrick) found a new employer this year. I am now a Magento developer at BigBridge. Lombard has published a new version of the wonderful Raffington Event - detective and will publish the album Maître in January 2017. Here's a video interview with Andreas in German Ralph Ulbrich sent me a dedication Andreas made for him: Pour Ralph Thanks Ralph! He also told me about the publication of Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 1 and Capricorn - Gesamtausgabe 2 by Schreiber&Leser. Great news for German readers who have been waiting since 1999 for the rest of the series since Das Object and Energie. Checking the list of Aleja Komiksu I saw I missed some Polish editions of 2015. Egmont published Cyrrus-Mil and Coutoo, while Sideca published La caverne du souvenir, Vu de pres, Les cavaliers, and Zarkan In 2016, Egmont republished Cromwell Stone: all 3 stories and is the first to bundle ARQ (third cycle) Sideca is the first non-french publisher of Terminus Andreas is now followed by 1,577 people on Twitter.
3 January 2016
Begin last year Andreas made Happy New Year 2015 Christiaan ter Veen noted the German interview with Andreas on http://www.comicradioshow.com/Article4223.html and a short description of Mordor Gott in Dutch in the series Schurken en Feeksen. In October, Andreas participated in a Twitter event, called "Inktober". He drew a picture with pencil each day. I collected the pictures in "Images / Inktober 2015". Andreas has announced that he will be using @Periscope, a Twitter based app that allows him to do live broadcasts. Check these tweets tweet 1, tweet 2 and this tweet that Andreas retweeted tweet 3. I installed the Periscope Android app and followed Andreas, as are 73 other people, but I am afraid I still have no idea if Andreas has used the app or not, or when he will in the future. The last retweet suggests he may do it today(?), which happens to be his birthday (happy birthday, Andreas :) ). Both Lombard (French) and Sherpa (Dutch) published a new edition of La caverne du souvenir Sherpa has published a Dutch version of Cyrrus-Mil Sherpa and Delcourt have published Ici Lombard published Terminus (Thanks, Alex Koppert!) Delcourt's ARQ series is available as e-book, for example at Amazon New German albums! Publisher Schreiber&Leser has published Cromwell Stone, Rork - L'intégrale 1 and Rork - L'intégrale 2 (Thanks, Helmut Weber!) I have open sourced the data and code of Dossier Andreas on Github. If you are interested in using any of it, just contact me Andreas now has 1,467 followers on Twitter.
31 December 2014
As I was informed by Jarek Chmielewski, on October 4 and 5, Andreas had a signing session and an interview together with Isa Cochet at the International Festival of Comics & Games in Łódź, Poland. Here is a video of the interview. Maciek Szatko sent me his three photos: Drawing pictures 8. Some other photos could be found on the internet: Interview 1. This year, Sideca (Poland) published Les Chinois, Patrick, -- empty title --, Rêve en cage, L'Operation, New York, and Rork - L'intégrale 2. And more to come next year! Jacek Śleszyński noted that Le Passage was published as two separate albums by Sideca: Przejście and Fragment. Pierre Loubere sent me the scans of 5 Andreas interviews: Le maître du jeu, c'est lui! (2012), Insatiable Andréas (2005), A la croisée des univers (2013), Un auteur incontournable (2004) (all in French), and An interview with Andreas (2000) (in English). Wonderful! Sherpa published the first Andreas puzzle Puzzle 'Dragon' (1000 pieces) and an companion Poster 'Dragon'. Andreas now has 1106 followers on Twitter.
31 December 2013
Karol Wisniewski informed me that Poland has a new Andreas publisher: Sideca! This year they have already published Attaque, Le dragon bleu, Tunnel and Le Passage, as well as Rork - L'intégrale 1 In 2014 they will publish more Capricorne, Rork integral #2 and Raffington Event. See Alejakomiksu 2013 also was the year of Les cavaliers and Rêves 1
8 May 2013
Koen Buytaert sent me photos his wife Isabelle made of Andreas and Isa Cochet when they were signing albums in Antwerp last year. This unique series of the artists at work can be found in the Photos section, starting with Andreas and Isa ask a question He also showed the dedicace that Andreas drew for them: Pour Koen + Isabelle Andreas had an exposition, called Les arcanes d'Andreas, at the Festival International de la BD at Angoulême:
And thanks to Tom Verschueren for updating me with information on all Andreas latest albums and for sending me his dedication: Pour Tom and this plate 4 Seasons.
3 January 2013
Andreas has had expositions at gallery Petit Papiers and at festival Quai-des-Bulles (Pictures of the event). Remarkable is that we see the first video interviews of Andreas:
Karol Wiśniewski informed me that "Sekret" was published by Manzoku this year: Le sécret. This is good news, of course. But Polish fans are hungry for many more albums. Tom Verschueren reminded me that it was about time that I'd mention the albums Rork - L'intégrale 1 and Les fantômes :) Andreas' illustrations may be bought at Petits Papiers Jeff Wesh created a Pinterest page of Andreas, with many interesting pictures. New articles:
Andreas now has 713 followers on Twitter.
28 May 2012
Lune was released. The TAO issue dedicated to Andreas (#3, in 1996) was put online: read it here. It contains an extensive interview, with lots of Andreas' images. I added the French edition of Tehos (Thanks to Christiaan) I end with some dedications: Für Marc, Für Horst, Für Robert, Für Stefan, Thanks for the great website, Patrick!
5 March 2012
Thanks to Sherpa the abandoned series Capricorne will be continued in Dutch. And thanks to Alex for noticing. Two albums will be released per year, starting with 'Patrick' (part 11). Note: Sherpa prints the albums strictly on demand. So you have to sign up to get a copy! The sign up period ends on April 1st, so if you are interested, make haste! http://sherpa.nu/ Last year New York and Intrus were published. In March 2011, together with artists of all over the world, Andreas created an illustration for Magnitude 9, an album that contains 250 illustrations about the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, to support the victims. In December Rob Kalis created a very nice animation of Rork's movement sequence in Descente and put it on YouTube. Sebastian Otten informed me of the German edition of Quintos. I found the Carlsen edition of La montre aux 7 rubis and the cover of Norte Sur Andreas now has 398 followers on Twitter!
13 March 2011
Andreas sent me some photos of his work-environment for the website. A welcome addition :) It brought me to rearrange some parts of the site. The new tab 'Photos' contains the photos. Six old tabs were placed below the new tab 'Index'. I also changed the frontpage somewhat. (details at On the Andreas website) Andreas now has 148 followers on Twitter.
4 August 2010
Polish publisher Egmont releases the second ARQ album (that contains 6 stories), as I was so kindly informed by Karol Wiśniewski. Karol also mentioned a 1985 English edition of Cromwell Stone by publisher Michel Deligne. Coincidentally, Javier Vidiella named another Spanish edition of that same album. Détectives has appeared (as I was told a long time ago, by Laurent Scheithauer (thank you!) and Wim Dewilde (thanks, btw I really enjoy your Twitter questions)) and Andreas has finished the drawings of New York, the 15th (and final?) Capricorne. Pierre Loubere noted that interviews with Andreas have appeared in Swof, Slash, and La lettre Thanks once again, Pierre!
1 May 2010
After Patrick, Alex Koppert also translated these albums into Dutch: Rêve en cage and L'Operation Great job! Of course it is sad that it has to be done this way, but Dutch readers have a right to know how the series Capricorne continues. Andreas now has 34 followers on Twitter. He frequently shows photos of new material he is working on, which is often surprising and beautiful.
15 April 2010
Wim Dewilde has kept an astonishing record of Dédicaces at http://www.flickr.com/photos/41038929@N03/ Wow!
13 April 2010
I have been talking to Andreas, via Twitter. It is very exciting and also a bit strange (I only saw Andreas once, and I spoke him hardly at all, fifteen years ago). At the same time, it feels quite natural to talk to him and I have been asking him several questions. I invite you to do the same. Since April 5, his followers have grown from 7 to 20. The nick "Wattmanworm" is a reference to "MY Wattman Worm" in Capricorne 15, which hasn't appeared yet. Andreas liked the "Dedications" in the Images section of this site. At that point Wim Dewilde (@GajomarCama) offered to help extend this collection. So he added 12 new ones! Thanks man.
5 April 2010
Since January 27, Andreas is writing tweets on Twitter! http://twitter.com/wattmanworm (Thanks for noting, Jean Martin!)
20 September 2009
Sherpa published ARQ (first cycle) in a single album as well. Alex Koppert told me he had not been able to wait any longer and translated Patrick himself. I persuaded him to have the document published on this site. Only now I bought the French "Patrick" to enjoy this powerful psychological drama Andreas created. I had been waiting three years to read this dark, gloomy, beautiful work, which is especially fascinating to me of course, since it bears my first name. Thanks, Alex!
25 April 2009
I translated the Dutch articles Andreas. In grey and in colors. (1983) and Andreas. What I wanted to tell you... (1984).
13 April 2009
Publisher Egmont (Poland) has released another combi-album: the first 6 albums of ARQ (first cycle) in a single edition (thanks Karol Wiśniewski). Rêve en cage was released last year (thanks, Ghislain, Wim, Pascal). Mission will be released shortly (Pascal Batigne).
4 April 2009
I translated The pirate invited: Andreas (1981) with the help of several online translators. It's not brilliant, but you non-french readers like me should be able to get the gest of the article :)
29 December 2008
The website entered a new phase! I welcome everyone to make their own comments on all the pages of the site. Add your personal observations, things you know and others should know too. A new tab "Notes" shows the latest notes everyone has made on all parts of the site. There is a simple registration procedure to keep spam out and to make notes very easy :)
28 September 2008
Wim Dewilde spotted the Batman plate that is for sale in the comic bookshop 'Petit Papiers' in Brussels: Batman. The Dark Knight on Gotham City
16 August 2008
The latest ARQ, Maître noir, appeared in March. The Polish editions of Deliah and Le cube numérique were published. Pierre Loubere continues to be a source of inspiration :) He sent in these bookmarks: Bookmark Monographie 1, Bookmark Monographie 2, Bookmark Swof Capricorne 1, Bookmark Swof Capricorne 2, Bookmark Swof Batman 1, Bookmark Swof Batman 2; this postcard: Postcard Monographie; this ex-libris: Cromwell Stone, up close; and this small article in Tintin magazine: Où ils en sont. La caverne du souvenir (1983). He also found the "book magazine" Otrante that contains two extended articles on Andreas work, and the magazines Viper and Dynamick. The latter contains the image Black-and-white poster for the exhibition 'Bulles' in Bordeaux. I stopped hosting the site at home. It is now served by http://www.domaindiscount24.net/ (my longtime reliable domain name registrar). It will most likely be faster now, and will also be available when I am on holiday :)
27 January 2008
This time I deliver the material I promised you a week ago. All thanks to Pierre Loubere. Where he finds it, I don't know :) First there are the covers of some magazines Andreas published in: Brazil, Circus, Curiosity Magazine, Solaris, Onapratut magazine, Cover Belzébulle. Then there are some articles: The pirate invited: Andreas (1981), Main part for Rork (1986), Conan lui dire (2003). Some illustrations Poster La caverne du souvenir, the cover of Catholic Boyscout's calendar 1989., Pourquoi j'aime la bande dessinée, Maître Andreas. And I conclude this time with an album by Yves Frémion, who interviewed many young and promising comics artists, back in 1982. Among them, Andreas: Les nouveaux petits-miquets.
24 January 2008
I received a series of dedications from a collecting fan, who whishes to remain anonymous. Thanks, man! Capricorne with cat, Cromwell Stone, Un demon, Man-beast, Pour Pierre . Yves, Pour Patrice, Pour Ludovic, Rork in the wind, Rork, grim, Ils ne m'ont pas écouté. I invite you all to send in more scans of such one-of-a-kind pictures Andreas has drawn (for you). Please share them with other fans. He also sent "Capricorne" - Les chinois, Wallpaper Quintos, Cromwell Stone, terrified, Poster La caverne du souvenir, and Le pirate.
20 January 2008
The last Rork album was released in Poland at last: Retour. Thanks to publisher Manzoku. Karol Wiśniewski was so kind as to inform us. I subcategorized the section "Images", because the number of images became too large. And I browsed the internet for some of the covers of the Spanish editions of Andreas' work: Lumière d'étoile, Capricorne, Descente, Donjon Monsters: La carte majeure, Cromwell Stone, Le retour de Cromwell Stone, Le testament de Cromwell Stone, White Dust, Dorro Zengu, Feu Croisé, Retrouvailles. That's all for now. However, I recently received tons of pictures which I hope to place soon. If time allows.
31 December 2007
In November, Lombard published the French edition of -- empty title --. The album has no title and no text inside, so we will not ask the publisher to please please translate the work :) Karol Wiśniewski notified us that the first two Capricorne albums are released in Poland: L'objet and Electricité. Andreas did some drawings for the third album of Clarke's series "Mister President" Mister President 3: Time Machine and for the collective album Pourquoi j'aime la bande dessinée (thanks for noticing, Mikaël Devaux!) Great many thanks to a contributor who sent the original picture of Espace vital - An illustration with a text of Rudy Rucker, the intriguing picture Tante Germania and the picture Oscar. Pierre Loubere sent Civilisation television, Sailing ship, Man in cup and saucer, Men stabbing, Rork illustration, Légende des Nibelungen, Saint Georges, Happy animals, Heart; thanks a lot, Pierre! I was wondering about the magazine "Hello Bédé", in which Andreas published. It appears that the French Tintin magazine was named like that from 1989 to 1993. Some googling later I found the covers of all Tintin / Kuifje / Hello Bédé covers on http://lejournaldetintin.free.fr/ This helped me to adapt the page Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl). And if all this wasn't enough... Andreas participated in a magnificent series of albums (4) L'univers des dragons about dragons for which he created a marvellous illustration of a dragon spitting fire: Dragon.
8 August 2007
Turbulent times for Polish Andreas fans! Publisher Twój Komiks went bankrupt, just before their publication of the final Rork album. This was especially upsetting since the publisher was, so it seems, holding on to the publication rights. Some time later publisher Manzoku took over the Rork series. They intend to publish the final album and start publishing the Capricorne albums. In the meanwhile the Polish publisher Egmont published Cromwell Stone: all 3 stories Pierre Loubere again pleasantly surprised me by sending me many of the images I was still looking for, and others: L'épave, Cyrrus, Border - An illustration with a text of José-Luis Bocquet, Espace vital - An illustration with a text of Rudy Rucker, Comics Lit, Le cavalier blanc (after Lucky Luke) Thanks Pierre!
9 April 2007
I sent an e-mail to Le Lombard naming your desires to have the latest Capricorne album published in Dutch. Their response was that is not going to happen, at least not this year. In the meanwhile, we can enjoy the material Pierre Loubere sent me. The covers of Titanic, the long awaited Cover illustration Les Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, nr. 73 , along with some of the pictures Andreas created for Au secours des hommes - 40 Illustrations for novel Jean Coué. Attention, auteurs méchants, Le Lombard 60 ans après - Andreas, and Les croqueurs de sable, tome 4: l'âme braise. Thanks so much, Pierre! In Andreas on the WWW I added a section on the Wikipedia pages on Andreas work.
26 February 2007
Mat Schifferstein (Sherpa) pointed out that Tehos is to appear end March. Thanks also to Tom Verschueren for sending me the cover-plate as well.
30 December 2006
Carl Wyckaert has taken up on my invitation to translate one of the French articles available on Andreas. Thanks very much, Carl, for Andreas et la mise en page : Descente (1998)
9 September 2006
Both Wim Dewilde and Ghislain de Cadoudal pointed out to me that the new Capricorne album, named Patrick, is to appear shortly (November of this year?). Pierre Loubere answered my question regarding L'ecrin: it contains sketches, four of which are by Andreas/Foerster: studies for the album Styx. See Laurel Hardy carrying some device and Demons, and pointing guns. I dug up the article Wim Dewilde wrote for ZozoLala in 2004 in which he describes his cracking the language of Arq: Nooit geweten: Arq (2004). Apparently "Tom" thought it should be on the site :) (see guestbook). I added some information on L'ours. Some French Wikipedia activity on Andreas is also going on; see http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas Thanks, all!
26 March 2006
Tom Verschueren has sent me a lot of new material. Thanks! Here it is: Raffington in the rain, Little Rork in the snow, The captain, Bernard Wright in corner, Silhouette of Pharass, Adam Neels with bow and arrow, Raffington under a streetlantern, Rork with ferryman skeletons, Andreas: 'I transform consciously: I don't draw something as I see it, but the way it's in my head' (1985), Cromwell Stone and Gordon Globe, New-year's wish for 1988, New year's card 1989, Happy Number 50!..., ZozoLala and two more wallpapers at Le Lombard Capricorne wallpapers. He also mentioned that Andreas has started signing autographs again, at Programme des dédicaces du Salon du Livre Due to my own sloppyness I failed to notice the dates: 17 and 18 March. Hopefully this was not the only time ... Wiel Felder has translated the signs in Feu Croisé. Thanks! I myself haven't even bought the book yet :} I myself added the cover at Je Bouquine, Retrouvailles, Coffret tomes 1 à 3, and L'ecrin. Does anyone know what Andreas did exactly for L'ecrin?
23 February 2006
In March two new albums will appear: Quintos (Dargaud, Sherpa) and Feu Croisé (Delcourt, Sherpa). Thanks for bringing to my attention, Tom Verschueren, Ghislain de Cadoudal, and Wiel Felder! This is the first time Isa Cochet is mentioned on the cover; she has worked with Andreas for a long time, but thus far the was only credited with coloring. You will have noticed that the guestbook is being spammed a lot lately. I am fighting back. I hope this is a passing phase.
22 October 2005
I got an e-mail from Hans Heltzel in which he described his Kuifje project. He has created a DVD containing a huge amount of stories, articles, and covers from Kuifje magazine 1971/1993. Would I be interested in a copy? Yes, please! Here's a list of new material: Cover of Tintin 1978-47, Cover of Tintin 1980-15, Cover Kuifje nr 25, 1987, Rork with text 'Capricorne'., Rork running through snow., Personages of 'Retour'., Cover Kuifje nr 16, 1993, Rork in New York., Illustration Kuifje nr 44, 1986, Illustration Kuifje nr 6, 1988, Illustration Kuifje nr 39, 1989, Illustration Kuifje nr 51, 1990, Qui est Rork?, New year's wish 1993, Andreas. In grey and in colors. (1983), Andreas. What I wanted to tell you... (1984), Main part for Rork (1986), Andreas and Rork. Not just any strip... No, a graphic masterpiece (1990), A circular trip through Europe in twelve stages: Andreas and Germany (1992). Thanks Hans, this is much appreciated!
8 October 2005
Site news is now available via Atom.
25 April 2005
Begin April I started working for an exciting and ambitious web development company: http://www.procurios.nl
30 January 2005
Le Passage and Retrouvailles are out. Thanks to Julien Mudry for providing better cover scans of De vergetenen and L'ambition narrative. Thanks to Wojciech Garncarz for the covers of the German Coutoo and Raffington Event - detective. Thanks to Wim Dewilde for the unchosen cover of Le Passage. Thanks to an anonimous submitter for Sérigraphie, Ex-libris Testament Forbidden Zone, the cover of Sans dessus dessous, and the ex-libris in Le testament de Cromwell Stone. Thanks to M. Bezuijen for Le Lombard Capricorne wallpapers and Le Lombard Capricorne e-cards. Note: apparently the cover of 'Forceurs de blocus' was never drawn by Andreas. Newsflash :) Andreas won the Bob-Morane prize in 1999.
26 October 2004
As you may have noticed, the publication of Cromwell Stone 3 at Sherpa has been delayed. It will take at least a week more, and probably longer, since Sherpa's distributor is experiencing problems.
15 August 2004
September 12, 2004: "Het vierde grote stripfestival" in Mechelen, see http://www.comic-strips.com
26 July 2004
Added some editions of Le testament de Cromwell Stone, La montre aux 7 rubis, and Cyrrus.
6 July 2004
The guys from Design Festa, an international art event, suggested a link swap. OK, here is your address: http://www.designfesta.com/
16 June 2004
Sherpa has set a date for Le testament de Cromwell Stone: August 2004! See also Expected. In about a week they will launch there own website at http://www.sherpa.nu/ Also in August, Le Lombard will publish the next two Capricorne stories in a single album: Le Passage. It will also include a special 8-page dossier.
27 May 2004
Two new albums have appeared that I didn't know of: the Dutch Manipulations Minutieuses and Paroles de parloirs. Does anyone know the name of the story Andreas drew for "Paroles"? Added the pictures Cover Zozolala 18 and Le cavalier blanc (after Lucky Luke). Added the covers and illustrations of Le cycle des Epées. M. Bezuijen told me Lombard has changed the cover of Le Passage. It has been on their site. Anyone copied the first one? Translated the little article The spontaneous little Andreas (1996). Can someone fill me in on the missing French line? A special thanks this time goes to Tom Verschueren who helped me on several pictures and went to great lengths to get all album data right. This is why Le retour de Cromwell Stone has changed greatly, for example.
9 November 2003
Quentin updated his site http://quentin.ebbs.net/andreas/ with some beautiful new pictures and stories. I copied the pictures and added these: Screaming man with thorns and A l'aube de la liberté.
20 August 2003
Update! Adriaan Bogaerts surprised me with Dream is over. An anonimous submitter sent this funny Birth Card. And Michał Antosiewicz of Twój Komiks lets us know the Polish Capricorne is out.
6 August 2003
Added a small article: Mobilis 1: Strubbelingen (2000), these pictures: La messagère, Fantalia, Cover of RPG-book, and some comments on the first Rork edition: Fragments. Cromwell Stone, part 3, is delayed until spring/summer 2004. I hope it means that Andreas is working on a worthy closure of his Magnum Opus.
23 March 2003
An anonimous submitter responded immediately to my request for the Alpha Comics (later: Kunst der Comics) Cromwell Stone albums. Erik van Tilborg added the covers for the German Rork albums by Alpha Comics. And as a "special treat" this time from an anonimous submitter: the cover of the Spanish Azteca.
8 February 2003
Thanks again, Peter, to make sure I am not missing anything that is available anywhere on the Internet. Thanks, Marc Bavay, for the cover scans of the Bédérama edition of Révélations posthumes. Does anyone have a copy of the german edition of Cromwell Stone (and the return of - ), by Alpha Comics?
2 February 2003
Andreas is now first published in Czech, in an architectonic magazine! See Era 21. Special thanks go to Peter Kuipers, of Sherpa, who sent in a lot of additions and modifications. Take a look at the cover of Sherpa's Dorro Zengu.
28 November 2002
Donjon Monsters: La carte majeure is (almost) available! ![]() Paul Zamarlo emailed the cover of the Polish Lumière d'étoile. It took me 2 hours to find the unicode code of the letter 'ł' in the title! :) An anonimous submitter amused us with some new images, including the poster of the comics festival of St Malo that had been announced by him in december 2001. And since Lombard has removed Andreas' new year's wish for 2002, I have placed it on this site. Thanks, M. Bezuijen, for noting its presence at the time.
6 October 2002
It has been quiet for some time. But we're still alive. With some good news. Pieter van Oudheusden is going to translate Capricorne 6, 7, and 8 into Dutch, for Lombard. (Thanks for the information, Mat!) They will probably be published in the spring of 2003. As you have already seen, I changed the looks of the top menu. It now looks more like I wanted it to, like a dossier, or file. Thanks to Adriaan Bogaerts the front covers of the Cromwell Stone albums are now complete. This makes the collector in me very satisfied.
3 March 2002
Mat Schifferstein of Sherpa told me 'De vergetenen' is going to press now and will be ready in three weeks. Apparently getting permission to print the work took more time than expected. In the meanwhile Paul Zamarlo sent us some beautiful pictures of Rork from the Polish version of 'Fragments' which can be found in the illustrations section; Julien Mudry noted that Andreas made a story which I've called Rennes (France) (he sent in the scans, too!), lacking a better title, for Comix 2000. And I added Cromwell Stone, up close and Le dragon bleu.
12 January 2002
Added L'ambition narrative (which I should have done long ago), two covers of the new Polish Rork albums, and the cover of the Dutch version of Seconde Chance. I like the Mobilis series. It reminds me of "Jessica Blandy", another series I read. I had never expected that Andreas would make something like that. It's fascinating.
16 December 2001
Yuri Landman sent me some pictures that will appear in Sherpa's De vergetenen. ![]() Read in Expected that Rork is published again in Polish. Since only the first two albums were published in 1989, Polish Andreas fans (and they exist!) have been waiting for 12 years for the rest!
9 December 2001
Thanks to Mat Schifferstein of Sherpa it was now possible for me to add an Expected section; this is really an improvement. Up till now I myself had to go to the bookshop every month to see if something new had come out. He has suggested to keep me up to date. Of course I am not _THE AUTORITY_ on this subject. I only know as much as people tell me. I added the polish Andreas albums that were published in 1989. Thanks to Paul Zamarlo for pointing them out to me. And John Lent of IJOCA agreed that I could publish Philippe Sohet's scolarly article Figures and Representation of the Fantastic in Andreas's Work (2001). Finally, It's OK by me to use the guestbook to sell or trade your Andreas albums, etc.
2 December 2001
I found a new job! And it's really cool, too! I am working for Green Dino, a virtual reality company. http://www.greendino.nl An anonimous submitter tells us Andreas has won the Great price of the comics festival of St Malo for his entire oeuvre. That also means he may draw the poster for next year's festival. I added a link to Christiaan's Capricornus site in Andreas on the WWW. And Didier Crick sent me a picture of the Belgian boyscouts calender (Catholic Boyscout's calendar 1989.).
18 October 2001
I added two articles, The C of Andreas. Cromwell Stone, Cythraul and Cyrrus (1984), and La caverne du souvenir: a Celtic fairytale with a deeper meaning (1985); and a guestbook. The site is now recognized by the search engines Google (!) and Ilse (Dutch).
14 October 2001
The site has been out of the air for almost 2 weeks. Sorry about that. The contract with my free domain name provider had finished and I had to pay for it now. But it was so expensive that I decided to look for a cheaper one. I found 'Domain Discount 24' to be cheap enough. But first I had to wait 5 days until I could change providers. Then I had some trouble with the new provider. Anyway, its all running again now.
5 September 2001
The lame search engines didn't do anything with my requests. Anyway, the die-hard Andreas fans still know where to find the site. I was contacted by an anonimous submitter who flooded my mailbox with new Andreas pictures from his own collection. Thanks! This means the 'Illustrations' section is extended again with some fantastic Styx monsters. New are also some bookmarks and ex-libris but most of them can be found near the albums they belong to. It appears that the latest Capricorne album (Attaque) is not going to be published in Dutch by Sherpa. That seems very unwise since the series is meant to bring Andreas to a larger audience. Sherpa _will_ bring out a book containing all kinds of material on Andreas within a few months. Andreas is going to work on the third part of Cromwell Stone, but this will probably take him the next few years to complete. In the mean while ... I brought back the VRML object I once made of the 'key' in Cromwell Stone. It's a 700K file, but it gives you a real 3D impression of the object! (In the 'Illustrations' section.)
9 August 2001
The site still doesn't show up in any search engine, so I entered the URL manually in a number of engines yesterday. Hope it has any effect. Until then you guys find this site via other friendly comics sites like The Officieuze Strippagina: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rslegt/ who are so kind as to create a link.
29 July 2001
Got in contact with Quentin Gausset, the creator and maintainer of http://quentin.ebbs.net/andreas/ . We talked about joining our websites, but eventually I found the combination of the English and the French sites too problematic. We agreed to exchange resources, so the illustrations section of this site is bigger now. He also adviced me on the usability of this site, so I made some changes. I changed the layout. Since most people are mostly interested in watching pictures, I made them more prominent. The Album-edition pages are now integrated with the Album pages. All of this is meant to make the site more accessible. I started hosting the site on my girlfriend's old desktop at home, which was for this occasion turned into a Linux machine. If she can stand the sound of the fan at night it will stay there. This means that the annoying banners are history (Thanx ProHosting ;) . | ||