The first Rork
story of Andreas is promising, and the
following stories will only get better. Who then expects that
Andreas will become one of Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl)'s heroes is mistaken: 'Rork'
hasn't entered a single reader's top ten.
For one thing, this is because Andreas' stories are not easy.
Drawings and text require concentrated reading, and that invokes
a near death sentence at the redaction of Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl). It
cannot be a coincidence that the brilliant 'Rork' stories
are replaced by the more artificial and rather boring story La caverne du souvenir.
Just like the intriguing stories of 'Wen'
(by Eric) have been replaced by the adventures of 'Fool'
(site-editor: Dutch: Dwaaskop).
13 Stories of Rork were placed over a period of
three-and-a-half year, with an occasional year-long inter-episode
period. In the beginning, at the time of the stories that were
later bundled into the first book, Fragments, this
caused few problems for the readers, since these stories were
rather autonomous. Any way, the infrequent appearance did the
recognition, and thus the popularity, no good.
The later stories, to be bundled in Passages, are
connected and reflect previous episodes repeatedly. By means of
flashbacks Rork's past is unveiled, and the complete history is
finished. That was impossible to trace in Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl). The
later stories of Rork are too hard (or rather: too
subtle) to be published in a scattered way. Not only the
redaction, that waited up to a year before publishing stories, is
to blame, but mainly Andreas, a perfectionist who never wants to
be satisfied with a result.
Whether 'Rork' will come back is unclear. A mysterious,
autonomous episode has appeared in Super Tintin/Kuifje 18: Cosmos
(1982), but in Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl) the 14th episode was never placed. It forms
the final act of the cycle and in it all lines of the story will
meet. This episode concludes book two, Passages that
will appear in September. Up to then all readers of Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl)
will have to wait for the unravelling of the story. Despite all
shortcomings of publication frequency (by one Tintin
reader even called the Rork-syndrome) the fact that Rork
is stopped is a great loss to Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl). We think the
readers of the albums Fragments and Passages
can agree to this.