
Album Information
Started at1978
StoryUn siècle pour une maison
StoryPoint fatal
StoryLa tache
StoryLow Valley
StoryLe retour de la tache
StoryRork à New York
Patrick van Bergen (Site Editor) notes:
Adriaan Bogaerts mentions that there are two versions of the first Dutch print. The first version mentions on the back cover that the second Rork album still has to appear. On the second version the second album (Doorgangen) is already named. Apparently for the first version a type of brown was used for the cover that later turns green. This has not happened to the second version. The same phenomenon has also occurred to the third album (Kathedralenkerkhof).
He also mentions a misprint of this album that has a French cover and Dutch pages.
from the article "The fantastic worlds of Rork (1984)":
Some influences are noteable, namely that of horror-and-fantasy writer Lovecraft and of draftsman Wrightson. Of Berni Wrightson (whom Andreas introduces in the first story as the young writer Bernard Wright) we recognize the typical, cramped postures of the persons: wide spread legs and arms, tendinous hands, faces with mouths whose ends are drawn downwards, and the 19th century clothing and waving cloaks. Furthermore Wrightson uses certain, very conspicuous camera positions, like the bird perspective (for example looking into the room from between the beams of the ceiling). He also has a specific way of drawing lines, among others a specific way of indicating shadows, namely by hatching.
We find this in Andreas work unmistakably. In the black-and-white pictures that are published at the start of the first Rork album, Fragments, are published we recognize Wrightson's last work so precisely, the black-and-white illustrations for Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein', that we can see this as an ode. In his strips Andreas shows that he is very well capable of telling his own story, even with borrowed techniques. He perfects these techniques as well, and uses them in a very personal way. For example he uses a very abnormal page layout and often plain spectacular perspectives.
from the article "Rork and the fantastic (1995)":
Did you intend to make it an album from the start?
Andreas: No. They (site-editor: Tintin/Hello BD (fr); Kuifje (nl)'s editors) wanted short stories with the same leading character. Then I thought up the character of Rork, more or less to enable me to tell fantastic stories. With the second story they suddenly said "Make sure that there will be 46 plates eventually." With the third episode they told me "It would be good if the stories were connected." Thus I tried to link the first episodes to the series by reintroducing the main characters.
Did you like that? Or did you find it limiting?
Actually I was quite pleased. When they told me to make 46 plates, I thought: maybe they are going to make an allbum of it, you never know. I like to work with certain restrictions. Only if there are limits can you try to cross them. But they waited with the publication of the album until the very last moment. They had five years the right to publish it and decided to do it only three months before the contract expired. They published it without believing in it and I told myself: "Alright, I quit! It's over!" But later they looked me up, because the first two albums sold pretty well. At least better then they had expected. That's why there is a divide between the first two and the next five albums. At that point I more or less made my own terms: "I want to make long series. I want the stories to be published with short intervals as a whole in the magazine." They accepted all of that. Then they asked me: "Will it really become a series, or will you stop after five albums?" I answered: "Five albums, then I stop." We agreed to let the albums stay in the collection Verhalen en Legenden (FR)

Album Edition Information
Language French
PrefaceLes mystères d'Andreas
CollectionVerhalen en Legenden (FR)

Album Edition Information
Language Dutch
PrefaceLes mystères d'Andreas
CollectionVerhalen en Legenden

Album Edition Information
Language German

Scan by Serge Simon.

Album Edition Information
Language English

Album Edition Information
Language French
PrefaceLes mystères d'Andreas
CollectionVerhalen en Legenden (FR)

Scan by Paul Zamarlo.

Album Edition Information
Language Polish