
Context Information
IllustrationCromwell Stone, up close
IllustrationCromwell Stone, terrified
IllustrationPour Patrick
IllustrationEx-libris in 'Le triangle rouge'
IllustrationEx-libris 'Styx' Sans Titre
IllustrationEx-libris 'Styx' Forbidden Worlds
IllustrationEx-libris 'Le retour de Cromwell Stone' Het B-Gevaar
IllustrationPour Fred
IllustrationCover of RPG-book
IllustrationCromwell Stone
AlbumLe triangle rouge
Album EditionStyx (1995, Le Lombard)
Album EditionStyx (1995, Le Lombard)
Album EditionDe terugkeer van Cromwell Stone (1995, Sherpa)
Album EditionDe terugkeer van Cromwell Stone (1995, Sherpa)
Album EditionDe terugkeer van Cromwell Stone (1995, Sherpa)
Album EditionLe triangle rouge (1995, Delcourt)
Album EditionDe rode driehoek (1995, Arboris)
Album EditionDas rote dreieck (1995, Arboris)
Album EditionLe triangle rouge (1995, Bookmaker)
Magazine PublicationX-20 - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationCromwell Stone, up close - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationMil (revised) - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationAndreas prefers not to explain everything (1995) - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationThe idea behind Rork (1995) - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationAnother idea behind Rork (1995) - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationFreeze the frame! (1995) - ZozoLala (number 82)
Magazine PublicationCromwell Stone, terrified - Black Out (number 5)
Magazine PublicationBatman - Black Out (number 5)
Magazine PublicationInterview Andreas (1995) - Black Out (number 5)
Magazine PublicationBatman - Scarce Annual (number 2)
Magazine PublicationCyrrus - L'eternauta (number 148)
Magazine PublicationMil - L'eternauta (number 148)
ArticleAndreas prefers not to explain everything (1995)
ArticleThe idea behind Rork (1995)
ArticleAnother idea behind Rork (1995)
ArticleInterview Andreas (1995)
ArticleFreeze the frame! (1995)
ArticleImages of a childhood (1995)
ArticleYears of study (1995)
ArticleThe first publications (1995)
ArticleRork and the fantastic (1995)
ArticleCyrrus (1995)
ArticleDérives and Fantalia (1995)
Patrick van Bergen (Site Editor) notes:
Andreas, Anne-Marie and Solenn move to Rennes.