
Story Information
TitleLe triangle rouge
Number of pages46
Context Information
AlbumLe triangle rouge
Magazine PublicationEra 21 (2003, number 1-6)
Magazine PublicationEra 21 (2004, number 1-6)
from the article "Andreas prefers not to explain everything (1995)":
Andreas: At the moment I am working on a strip about the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, for Philippe Berthet, Le triangle rouge. You have to read that strip a second time in order to understand it. You have to notice certain details while reading to understand the end. I like that.
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So you are working on a strip about Frank Lloyd Wright at the moment. Why?
Andreas: When I was young, I wanted to be an architect. Only later I saw myself as a strips artist. I am still fond of architecture. This liking returns in my work.
Le triangle rouge has a complicated storyline about someone who dreams about someone who dreams. Its a nice challenge.
from the article "The mystery Andreas (1996)":
The album Le triangle rouge is an hommage to the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Architecture plays an important part in it. The book is filled with architectonic masterpieces, for which Andreas was inspired by the work of Lloyd Wright.
And yet the story isn't about FLW, as Andreas calls him for short. "But its hard for me to explain what its about exactly", Andreas says. "I've just finished Le triangle rouge a couple of months ago, I haven't taken enough distance from it to be able to talk about it elaborately. The main thread is FLW dreaming about a person who dreams about a person who dreams - etcetera. In this way I play with the codes of dreaming, and I connect those dreams by all kinds of hidden things that occur in them, like a mysterious box with a red triangle painted on it."
This box contains red, triangular capsules. Taking in these capsules causes hallucinogenic side effects. At the end of the story it becomes clear what kind of stuff this is. Then the architect Lebeau Wood, one of the book's personages, appears to have shot himself through the head. He is in a coma, but is waken up with the help of the medicin Serondan. Andreas seems to suggest that the box with the symbol represents the medicin, and that this is the cause of all those dreams. But, as has just been noted, the story is still too fresh for him to go into all kinds of layers of the story.
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"I consider it a sport to think of anagrams. In Le triangle rouge appears a FBI-woman named Anderson. That's an anagram for the medicin Serondan. Unfortunately, it's my experience that anagrams drop out during translation."